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June BlueSpruce, MPH

Intuitive Healer, Mentor, and Life Coach


Between the Worlds

Forty-one years ago this past June, my mother died of metastatic breast cancer two days before her 67th birthday. She died between the births of our two sons; our older son was two and a half years old, and our younger son was conceived eight months later. As my mother was dying, I was acutely …


In Limbo

Sitting here in limbo Waiting for the dice to roll Yeah, now, sitting here in limbo Got some time to search my soul Well, they’re putting up a resistance But I know that my faith will lead me on —Jimmy Cliff, “Sitting in Limbo” on Another Cycle and The Harder They Come A week ago, …


Defying Gravity

Over the past week, I have watched my five-year-old granddaughter defy gravity hundreds of times. In the pool, she has learned how to move her arms and legs to keep herself afloat and swim from Papa to Mama to Grandma Martha to me. On roller skates, she can keep her four-wheeled feet beneath her and …


A Riddle for Solstice and Pride

Photo by Egor Kamelev We connect underground with myriad others like and unlike ourselves. Through our vast, branching webs, we communicate with and support each other. If danger approaches, we warn each other in ways that may not be perceptible to others. Who are we? Aboveground, our environment both feeds and challenges us. We stand …


How Do We Meet These Times?

Many of us have been asking the question, “How do we meet these times?” Guidance often comes to me in dreams. I had the following dreams on March 11 about how to respond to conflict, confrontation, and dangerous threats. I believe their guidance needs to be shared. So here they are. Two opposing groups are …