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June BlueSpruce, MPH

Intuitive Healer, Mentor, and Life Coach




Reciprocity,” Catamaran Literary Reader, Fall 2022 Issue

“Warning: Whiteness May Be Hazardous to Your Health” in Whiteness Is Not an Ancestor: Essays on Life and Lineage by white Women. Lisa Iverson, ed. Bellingham, WA: Center for Ancestral Blueprints Publishing, 2020.

Heart Mom,” Herstry, May 2020

Four prose pieces (“Autumn Equinox at Sliabh ni Cailleach,” “Hunger,” “Insomnia,” “Healing”) and several photographs in Sacred Stone, Sacred Water: Women Writers & Artists Encounter Ireland. Carolyn Brigit Flynn, ed. Ashland, OR: White Cloud Press, 2019.

See blog for many posts on living by your dreams and creating change in your life and in the world.


Conversation with Myself,South Seattle Emerald, Oct. 14, 2018

“Heart Wood,” poem in Sisters Singing: Blessings, Prayers, Art, Songs, Poetry and Sacred Stories by Women.  Carolyn Brigit Flynn, ed.  Santa Cruz, CA: Wild Girl Publishing 2008.

Scientific Writing

Evaluation of the Learning to Integrate Neighborhoods and Clinical Care Project: findings from implementing a new lay role into primary care teams to address social determinants of health. Hsu C, Hertel E, Johnson E et al. Perm J 2018;22:18-101.

Prevention needs of HIV-positive men and women awaiting release from prison.  Catz SL, Thibodeau L, BlueSpruce J, Yard SS, Seal DW, Amico KR, Bogart LM, Mahoney C, Balderson BH, Sosman JM.  AIDS and Behavior 2012 Jan;16(1):108-20.

Unanticipated benefits of CAM therapies for back pain: an exploration of patient experiences.  Hsu C, BlueSpruce J, Sherman K, Cherkin D.  Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine 2010 Feb;16(2):157-63.

HIV prevention in primary care: impact of a clinical intervention.  BlueSpruce J, Dodge WT, Grothaus L, Wheeler K, Rebolledo V, Carey JW, McAfee TA, Thompson RS.  AIDS Patient Care and STDS. 2001 May;15(5):243-53.